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Year 1 Chatter

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What a great visit to Chester Zoo Year 1 had

What a great visit to Chester Zoo Year 1 had. The children loved their first school trip. We learnt so much about how we can help our native animals and insects and saw lots of different wildlife.

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Today we have had a fun filled visit from @tonypeek …

Today we have had a fun filled visit from @tonypeek , he helped Year 1 to create our own alliteration poems. We then made illustrations to match our silly sentences.  #StFinbarsWriters #StFinbarsReaders

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Attendance dance!

When Mrs Conely announces over the tannoy that you have 100% attendance, you stop what you’re doing and do the attendance dance!

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Lego club had fun today trying to create our names using blocks

Lego club had fun today trying to create our names using blocks. The children researched some of the trickier letters and worked together to do as many as they could. #AfterSchoolClub

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Year 1 have been introduced to the part – whole model today

Year 1 have been introduced to the part – whole model today. We have had fun exploring and partitioning numbers #stfinbarsmaths

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Year 1 are doing fantastic with attendance, keep it up!

Another busy day, another happy dance for 100% attendance. Year 1 are doing fantastic with attendance, keep it up!

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This week, we have enjoyed a range of poems…

This week, we have enjoyed a range of poems, some silly, some active and some that made us think. We read the poem At My House and thought of all the things that we love about our homes, writing up our own. #NationalPoetryDay2023

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Year 1 have been learning about number fact families…

Year 1 have been learning about number fact families. We have used lots of different ways to help us understand quantity and number bonds, working together as a class. #stfinbarsmaths

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Year 1 have had a problem with magic spiders…

Year 1 have had a problem with magic spiders. We wrote a class set of instructions – How to Catch a Spider. Last night we set a trap, it didn’t work! Today will write our own instructions to try catch the pesky spiders! #stfinbarsenglish


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This week, Year 1 have been using the prefix un- to change the meaning of words…

This week, Year 1 have been using the prefix un- to change the meaning of words. This has been the focus for our sentence accuracy, the children have done a great job! #stfinbarsenglish @LiteracyCounts1 @StFinbarsSch @JanJconley

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Year 1&2 curriculum meeting ?

Thank you to all the Parents/Carers from Year 2 and @StFinbars_Year1 for attending our curriculum meeting ?