St Finbar’s Buddies was established in September 2018, as part of social and emotional development, to:

  • advance and enhance interpersonal skills, confidence building and friendships;
  • to further improve children’s emotional intelligence and well-being,
  • to promote resilience and a sense of belonging.

The group inspires a positive, calm and happy atmosphere. 

Congratulations to the children who succeeded in their Buddy applications.

Each class has two Buddies who take turns to be on duty every single playtime and lunchtime. Their job is to ensure all children are happy on the yard and have friends to play with. They deal with minor disputes and encourage others to talk through their disagreements to reach a compromise and ultimately to make friends. Buddies do a great job everyday, giving up their own break times to help others. They receive full training in the half termly meetings they attend, showing great commitment and dedication. We are very proud of you all. Keep up the great work!