Drop Off and Pick Up Times

The school cannot accept responsibility for the supervision of children before 8.30 am (unless they are in Breakfast Club). We ask Parents/Carers to ensure that children arrive promptly so that they can be in their class at the beginning of each session.

Children go to ClassLearning BeginsSchool Ends
Nursery: 15-hour children8.45 am8.55 am11.45 am
Nursery: 30-hour children8.45 am8.55 am3.10 pm
Reception8.45 am8.55 am3.10 pm
Years 1 & 28.45 am8.55 am3.15 pm
Years 3 – 68.45 am8.55 am3.15 pm

Drop Off and Pick Up of Children

It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers to ensure that children are delivered safely to school.

For safety reasons we insist that all nursery and infant children are collected from school by a known adult. Nursery and infant children should only be collected by older brothers or sisters in special circumstances i.e. a parental request due to unforeseen circumstances as a “one-off” and not on a regular basis.

Please note our school policy is that such siblings are over 16 years. It is important for staff, and the comfort of your child that you contact us if you are delayed. Forms indicating adults who have permission to collect children are included in our induction pack. Any changes in collection routines should be explained to the class teacher or to our office staff in advance as we cannot, under any circumstances, hand a child over to a stranger. It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers/carers to tell us of any changes.

Breakfast Club

Visit our Breakfast Club page HERE, for more information.

Break Times

Children in Year 1 – 6 have a short break each morning from 10.30 am – 10.45 am. This break provides an opportunity to relax from learning and to visit toilets – thus avoiding disruption in lessons.

Infant (KS1) children have an afternoon break as well from 2.15 am – 2.30 pm.

There is no designated break from learning for Nursery children as they have access to visit the toilets throughout their day.

Attendance and Punctuality

For more detailed information about attendance and punctuality, please visit the ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY page on this website.

If your child is unwell please telephone school as soon as possible, the school office is open from 8.00 am to take calls, (0151 727 3963) or use Studybugs (online system) to let us know about an absence.

As part of our safeguarding policy – a member of the attendance team will contact Parents/Carers/carers if we do not know a reason for absence.

Regular attendance is essential for children to make progress in school and it is the legal duty of Parents/Carers to ensure that absence occurs only for authorised reasons such as illness, medical or other essential appointments. We encourage Parents/Carers to make dental and/or other appointments outside of school hours but if this is not possible then to bring children back to school immediately following treatment.

Medical Appointments

Dentist/ doctor/ hospital appointments will be given an authorised absence provided that written confirmation of the appointment has been seen. In all cases a written note, email, telephone call or personal visit is required to explain reasons for non-attendance. Failure to inform the school of absence, as outlined above, will result in an “unauthorised” absence being recorded. In such circumstances the school is obliged to notify the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) who will write to, or visit the family. Persistent lateness applies to only a minority but it is noted by the school. It provides an unsettling start to the day, is bad manners and poor training for the future; it is disruptive to other children and to school routines.

Monitoring Attendance & Punctuality

For more detailed information about attendance and punctuality, please visit the ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY page on this website.

The school works very closely with our Educational Welfare Officer, ‘EWO’. The following actions will assist Parents/Carers to focus on the importance of both attendance and punctuality:

  • First Day Response – Our Attendance Officer follows up all daily absences which are not reported to us
  • the Attendance Officer telephones or visits daily if this is necessary. Please let us know the reason for each absence so that we do not need to contact you
  • attendance print-outs are sent to individual Parents/Carers and/or whole classes, to illustrate attendance patterns
  • letters and visits from the EWO
  • parental interviews with Attendance Officer and Deputy Headteacher.  Local Authority (LA) prosecution – in extreme cases.