Our aim is to equip children not only with the statutory requirements of the curriculum (National Curriculum and RE) but to prepare them for their role as active, responsible citizens within an ever-changing world.
Our wide range of learning experiences (curricular and extra-curricular) provide an opportunity for our children to; learn from other cultures, respect diversity, co-operate with one another and value each individual.
We celebrate success and build on disappointment in order to develop resilient young people of the future.
At St Finbar’s, we offer a curriculum which is based upon the needs of our children. A curriculum which aims to:
• promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, emotional and physical development of children at the school (and of wider society)
• prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
• redress the imbalance of social injustice by providing our children with the knowledge and skills to be able to access and contribute to future social, emotional and economic wellbeing.
The following documents are used as the starting point for planning sequences of learning across the school;
• Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
• National Curriculum
• Liverpool Roman Catholic Archdiocese Religious Education Curriculum
• Liverpool Authority Curriculum Guidelines, and
• School’s individual subject policies/plans.
Why not explore the other pages within this section to find out more detail about the curriculum at St Finbar’s.