The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to your local community. School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and staff.
Governor Attendance 2022 – 2023 (PDF)
The Governors main roles include:
- to provide strategic direction for the school
- to ensure accountability
- determining how the school’s budget is spent
- hearing appeals and grievances
- forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
- setting standards for children’ behaviour and discipline
- making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
- setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies.
How do I become a parent governor?
If your child attends a school, you can be elected as a parent governor by the Parents/Carers. Schools organise these elections, and inform Parents/Carers and staff about them. You can also become a governor by approaching the school to see if they will co-opt you or by asking the local authority, church or foundation if they would appoint you.