Parents/Carers as Partners
We value the involvement of Parents/Carers in school.
Parental involvement with school begins even before children start Nursery or Reception with an invitation to visit the school and meet their child’s teacher.
Parents/Carers consultation meetings are held in the Autumn and Spring Term at which Parents/Carers are invited to discuss their child’s progress.
A report is sent out at the end of the Summer term and Parents/Carers are invited into school to discuss this report if they wish. It is important to stress that if Parents/Carers are concerned in any way about their child they should telephone or call into the school to make an appointment to discuss their concerns with the class teacher, Phase Leader, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.
Parents/Carers are kept informed of all happenings in the school by regular newsletters. a designated parent’s board and by regular newsletters. Parents/Carerss are invited to various assemblies and functions throughout the year.
Book Bags
These can be bought from the School Office. Children should bring their book bag into school every day.
Please let our office staff know of any changes to your details e.g. changed address? Telephone/ mobile number? Emergency contact numbers? Contact person to pick up children?
A number of staff have first aid training (including paediatric training).
Children are taught the safe and appropriate use of equipment and materials. Children are taught to be mindful when moving around the school and are aware of safety issues.
Risk assessments are undertaken before after school activities take place and before we embark on school outings. A full Health and Safety Policy is available in school.
As some of our children have allergies, for example an allergy of nuts, it is important that we keep them safe. We therefore cannot allow celebration cakes or unbagged sweets to be brought into school.
We are a nut-free school. Please check that your child’s lunch box does not contain nut-based products.
Many children are telling us that they do not like milk and therefore are not drinking it.
Could you please let us know if there is a reason for your child not to have milk so that we only order in what we know will be used.
Medical Needs
We keep a record of any medical needs, allergies, children who need inhalers, Piriton, epi-pens etc. in each classroom, kitchen and school office. This enables all staff members to be aware of individual health needs.
When your child starts St Finbar’s Parents/Carers are asked to give permission for their child to be photographed/videoed during their time at school. We use these images in the classroom, on displays, in the children’s individual record books, on the school website, X (formally Twitter) and other publications.
Snack Money
A £1 contribution for snack money for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 children should be paid every Monday to the class teacher if possible.