Look out in your local Tesco when you are shopping
Look out in your local Tesco when you are shopping. Please use the little blue tokens to vote for St Finbar’s EYFS at the following Tescos, tell your family and friends!
26Look out in your local Tesco when you are shopping. Please use the little blue tokens to vote for St Finbar’s EYFS at the following Tescos, tell your family and friends!
26Year 3 were having a lovely treat this afternoon for winning the attendance cup this week! We love having some reading for pleasure time.
19Year 3 having great fun doing stretching and gymnastics today in PE. #stfinbarsfitness
23Lovely questioning going on in Spanish today, well done Year 3.
25100% attendance today again, let’s see if we can get the cup this week!
23Year 3 had a lovely poetry session with the author Tony Peek, we wrote some will alliteration poems. #StFinbarsWriters #StFinbarsReaders
19Year 3 had such a lovely day at the zoo, we will all sleep tonight!
24Year 3 were having great fun playing ‘Habitat Kerplunk’ and learning about how habitats are important to animals.
20Year 3 are loving their visit from Leon from Chester Zoo today, we can’t wait until Friday! ???